Tag Archives: open data

Data Diversity Podcast #2 – Dr Alfredo Cortell-Nicolau

In our second instalment of the Data Diversity Podcast, we are joined by archaeologist Dr Alfredo Cortell-Nicolau, a Senior Teaching Associate in Quantitative and Computational Methods in Archaeology and Biological Anthropology at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research and Data Champion.

As is the theme of the podcast, we spoke to Alfredo about his relationship with data and learned from his experiences as a researcher. The conversation also touched on the different interpersonal, and even diplomatic, skills that an archaeologist must possess to carry out their research, and how one’s relationship with individuals such as landowners and government agents might impact their access to data. Alfredo also sheds light on some of the considerations that archaeologists must go through when storing physical data and discussed some ways that artificial intelligence is impacting the field. Below are some excerpts from the conversation, which can be listened to in full here.

I see data in a twofold way. This implies that there are different ways to liaise with the data. When you’re talking about the actual arrowhead or the actual pot, then you would need to liaise with all the different regional and national laws regarding heritage and how they want you to treat the data because it’s going to be different for every country and even for every region. Then, of course, when you’re using all these morphometric information, all the CSV files, the way to liaise with the data becomes different. You have to think of data in this twofold way.

Dr Alfredo Cortell-Nicolau

Lutfi Othman (LO): What is data to you?

Alfredo Cortell-Nicolau (ACN): In archaeology in general, there are two ways to see the data. In my case for example, one way to see it is that the data is as the arrowhead and that’s the primary data. But then when I conduct my studies, I extract lots of morphometric measures and I produce a second level of data, which are CSV files with all of these measurements and different information about the arrowheads. So, what is the data? Is it the arrowhead or is it the file with information about the arrowhead? This raises some issues in terms of who owns the data and how you are going to treat the data because it’s not the same. In my case, I always share my data and make everything reproducible. But when I share my data, I’m sharing the data that I collected from the arrowheads. I’m not sharing the arrowheads because they are not mine to share.

This is kind of a second layer of thought when you’re working with Archaeology. When you’re studying, for example, pottery residues, then you’re sharing the information of the residues and not the pot that you used to obtain those residues. There are two levels of data. Which is the actual data itself? The data which can be reanalyzed in different ways by different people, or the data that you extracted only for your specific analysis? I see data in this twofold way. This implies that there are different ways to liaise with the data. When you’re talking about the actual arrowhead or the actual pot, then you would need to liaise with all the different regional and national laws regarding heritage and how they want you to treat the data because it’s going to be different for every country and even for every region. Then, of course, when you’re using all these morphometric information, all the CSV files, the way to liaise with the data becomes different. You have to think of data in this twofold way.

On some of the barriers to sharing of archaeological data

ACN: There are some issues in how you would acknowledge that the field archaeologist is the one who got the data. Say that you might have excavated a site in the 1970s and some other researcher comes later, and they may be doing many publications after that excavation, but you are not always giving the proper attribution to the field archaeologist because you cited the first excavation in the first publication, and you’re done. Sometimes, that makes field archaeologists reluctant to share the data because they don’t feel that their work is acknowledged enough. This is one issue which we need to try to solve. Take for example a huge radiocarbon database of 5000 dates: if I use that database, I will cite whoever produced that database, but I will not be citing everyone who actually contributed indirectly to that database. How do I include all of these citations? Maybe we can discuss something like meta-citations, but there must be some way in which everyone feels they are getting something out of sharing the data. Otherwise, there might be a reaction where they think “well, I just won’t share. There’s nothing in for me to share it so why should I share my data”, which would be understandable.

On dealing with local communities, archaeological site owners and government officials

ACN: When we have had to deal with private owners, local politicians and different heritage caretakers, not everyone feels the same way. Not everyone feels the same way about everything, and you do need a lot of diplomatic skills to navigate through this because to excavate the site you need all kinds of permits. You need the permit of the owner of the site, the municipality, the regional authorities, the museum where you’re going to store the material. You need all of these to work and you need the money, of course. Different levels of discussion with indigenous communities is another layer of complexity which you have to deal with. In some cases, like in the site where we’re excavating now, the owner is the sweetest person in the world, and we are so lucky to have him. I called him two days ago because we were going to go to the site, and I was just joking with him, saying I’ll try not to break anything in your cave, and he was like, “this is not my cave. This is heritage for everyone. This is not mine. This is for everyone to know and to share”. It is so nice to find people like that. That may happen also with some kinds of indigenous communities. The levels of politics and negotiation are probably different in every case.

On how archaeologists are perceived

LO: When you approach a field or people, how do they view the archaeologists and the work?

ACN: It really depends on the owner. The one that we’re working with now, he’s super happy because he didn’t know that he had archaeology in his cave. When we told him, he was happy because he’s able to bring something to the community and he wants his local community to be aware that there is something valuable in terms of heritage. This is one good example. But we have also had other examples, for instance, where the owner of the cave was a lawyer and the first thing he thought was “are there going to be legal problems for me? If something happens in the cave, who’s the legal responsibility.” In another case there was there was another person that just didn’t care, she said “you want to come? Fine. The field is there, just do whatever you want.” So, there are different sensibilities to this. Some people are really happy about the heritage and don’t see it as a nuisance that they have to deal with. 

LO: How about yourself as a researcher, archaeologist: do you see yourself as the custodian of sorts, or someone who’s trying to contribute to this or local heritage for the place? Or is it almost scientific and you’re there to dig.

ACN: When I approach the different owners, I think the most important thing is to let them know that they have something valuable to the local community and they can be a part of that. They can be a part of being valuable to the local community. Also, you must make it clear that it’s not going to be a nuisance for them and they don’t have to do anything. I think the most important part is letting them know how it can be valuable for the community. I usually like them to be involved, and they can come and see the cave and see what we are doing. In the end it’s their land and if they see that we are producing something that is valuable to the community then it is good for them. In this case, the type of data that we produce is the primary type of data, that is, the actual different pottery sherds, the different arrowheads, etcetera. In this current excavation, we got an arrowhead that is probably some 4- or 5000 years old and you get (the land owners) to touch this arrowhead that no one in 5000 years has seen. If you can get the owners to think of it in this way, that they’re doing something valuable for your community, then they will be happier to participate in this whole thing and to just let us do whatever we want to do, which is science.

LO: How do you store physical data? Or do you let the landowner store it?

ACN: That depends on the national and regional laws and different countries have different laws about this. The cave where I’m working right now is in Spain, so I’m going to talk about the Spanish law, which is the one that I that I follow and it’s going to be different depending on every country. In our case, with the different assemblages that you find, you have a period of up to 10 years where you can store them yourself in your university and that period is for you to do your research with them. After that period, it goes to whichever museum they are supposed to be going, which depends on the law that says that it has to be the museum that is the closest to the cave or site where they were excavated. Here, the objects can then be displayed and the museum is the ones responsible for managing them, and storing them long term.

There is one additional thing: If you are excavating a site that has already been excavated, then there is a principle of keeping the objects and assemblages together. For example, there is this cave that was excavated in the 1950s and they store all the assemblages in the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia, which was the only museum in the whole region. Now, they excavated it again a few years ago and now there are museums that are closer to the cave but because the bulk of the assemblages are in Valencia and they don’t want to have it separated in two museums, they still have to go to Valencia. This is the principle of not having the assemblages separated and it is the most important one.

As always, we learn so much by engaging with our researchers about their relationship with data, and we thank Alfredo for joining us for this conversation. Please let us know how you think the podcast is going and if there are any question relation to research data that you would like us to ask!

Mapping the world through data – The November 2023 Data Champion Forum 

The November Data Champion forum was a geography/geospatial data themed edition of the bi-monthly gathering, this time hosted by the Physiology department. As usual, the Data Champions in attendance were treated to two presentations. Up first was Martin Lucas-Smith from the Department of Geography who introduced the audience to the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project, a global community mapping project using crowdsourcing. Just as Wikipedia is for textual information, OSM results in a worldwide map created by everyday people who map the world themselves. The resulting maps can vary in terms of its focus such as the transport map, which is a map which shows public transport lanes like railways, buses and trams worldwide, and the humanitarian map, which is an initiative dedicated to humanitarian action through open mapping. Martin is personally involved in a project called CycleStreets which, as the name implies, uses open mapping of bicycle infrastructure. The Department of Geography uses OSM as a background for its Cambridge Air Photos websites. Projects like these, Martin highlighted, demonstrate how community gets generated around open data. 

CycleStreets: Martin at the November 2023 Data Champion Forum

In his presentation, Martin explained the mechanics of OSM such as its data structure, how the maps are edited, and how data can be used in systems like routing engines. Editing the maps and the decision-making processes that go behind how a path is represented visually on the map is the point where the OSM community comes to action. While the data in OSM consists primarily of geometric points (called ‘Nodes’) and lines (called ‘Ways’) coupled with tags which denotes metadata values, the norms about how to define this information can only come about by consensus from the OSM community. This is perhaps different to more formal database structures that might be employed within corporate efforts such as Google. Because of its widespread crowdsourced nature, OSM tends to be more detailed than other maps for less well-served communities such as people cycling or walking, and its metadata is richer, as they are created by people who are intimately familiar with the areas that they are mapping. A map by users for users. 

Next up was Dr Rachel Sippy, a Research Associate with the Department of Genetics who presented how geospatial data factored into epidemiological research. In her work, the questions of ‘who’, ‘when’, and ‘where’ a disease outbreak occurred are important, at it is the where that gives her research a geographical focus. Maps, however, are often not detailed enough to provide information about an outbreak of disease among a population or community as maps can only mark out the incident site, the place, whereas the spatial context of that place, which she denotes as space, is equally as important in understanding disease outbreaks.  

Of ‘Space’ and ‘Place’: Rachel at the November 2023 Data Champion forum

It can be difficult, however, to understand what a researcher is measuring and what types of data can be used to measure space and/or place. Spatial data, as Rachel pointed out, can be difficult to work with and the researcher has to decide if spatial data is a burden or fundamental to the understanding of a disease outbreak in a particular setting. Rachel discussed several aspects of spatial data which she has considered in her research such as visualisation techniques, data sources and methods of analysis. They all come with their own sets of challenges and researchers have to navigate them to decide how best to tell the fundamental story that answers the research question. This essentially comes down to an act of curation of spatial data, as Rachel pointed out, quoting Mark Monmoneir, that “not only is it easy to lie with maps, it’s essential”. In doing so, researchers working with spatial data would have to navigate the political and cultural hierarchies that are explicitly and implicitly inherent to places, and any ethical considerations relating to both the human and non-human (animal) inhabitants of those geographical locations. Ultimately, how data owners choose to model the spatial data will affect the analysis of the research, and with it, its utility for public health. 

After lunch, both Martin and Rachel sat together to hold a combined Q&A session and a discussion emerged around the topic of subjectivity. A question was raised to Rachel regarding mapping and subjectivity, as it was noticed that how she described place, which included socio-cultural meanings and personal preferences of the inhabitants of the place, can be considered to be subjective in manner. Rachel agreed and alluded back to her presentation, where she mentioned that these aspects of mapping can get fuzzy as researchers would have to deal with matters relating to identity, political affiliations and personal opinions, such as how safe an individual may feel in a particular place. Martin added that with the OSM project the data must be objective as possible, yet the maps themselves are subjective views of objective data.  

Rachel and Martin answering questions from the Data Champions at the November 2023 forum

Martin also brought to attention that maps are contested spaces because spaces can be political in nature. Rachel added that sometimes, maps do not appropriately represent the contested nature of her field sites, which she only learned through time on the field. In this way, context is very important for “real mapping”. As an example, Martin discussed his “UK collision data” map, created outside the University, which states where collisions have happened, giving the example of one of central Cambridge’s busiest streets, Mill Road: without contextual information such as what time these collisions occurred, what vehicles were involved, and the environmental conditions at the time of the accident, a collision map may not be that valuable. To this end, it was asked whether ethnographic research could provide useful data in the act of mapping and the speakers agreed. 

US requirements for public access to research

Niamh Tumelty, Head of Open Research Services, Cambridge University Libraries

Yesterday it was announced that the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has updated US policy guidance to make the results of taxpayer-supported research immediately available to the American public at no cost:

Federal agencies have been asked to update their public access policies to make publications and supporting data publicly accessible without an embargo. This applies to all federal agencies (the previous policy only applied to those with more than $100 million in annual research and development expenditure) and allows for flexibility for the agencies to decide on some of the details while encouraging alignment of approaches. It applies to all peer-reviewed research articles in journals and includes the potential to also include peer-reviewed book chapters, editorials and peer-reviewed conference proceedings.

The emphasis on “measures to reduce inequities of, and access to, federally funded research and data” is particularly important in light of the serious risk that we will just move from a broken system with built-in inequities around access to information to a new broken system with built-in inequities around whose voices can be heard. Active engagement will be needed to ensure that the agencies take these issues into account and are not contributing to these inequities.

While there will be a time lag in terms of development/updating and implementation of agency policies and we don’t yet have the fine print around licences etc, this will bring requirements for US researchers more closely in line with what many of our researchers already need to do as a result of e.g. UKRI and Wellcome Trust policies. Closer alignment should help address some of the collaborator issues that have arisen following the recent cOAlition S policy updates – though of course a lot will depend on the detail of what each agency puts in place. Researchers availing of US federal funding need to engage now if they would like to influence the approach taken by those who fund their work.

There continues to be a very real question around sustainable business models both from publisher and institutional perspectives, alongside the other big questions around whether the current approaches to scholarly publishing are serving the needs of researchers adequately. It is essential that this doesn’t just become an additional cost for researchers or institutions as many of those who have commented in the past 24 hours fear. Many alternatives to the APC and transitional agreement/big deal approaches have been proposed, from diamond approaches through to completely reimagined approaches to publishing (e.g. Octopus).

There will be mixed feelings about this. While there is likely to be little sympathy for the publishers with the widest profit margins, this move is sure to push more of the smaller publishers, including many (but not all!) learned societies, to think differently. We need to ensure that we understand what researchers most value about these publishers and how to preserve those aspects in whatever comes in future – I am reminded of the thought-provoking comments from our recent working group on open research in the humanities on this topic.

These are big conversations that were already underway and will now take on greater urgency. The greatest challenge of all remains how to change the research culture such researchers can have confidence in sharing their work and expertise in ways that maximise access to their work while also aligning with their (differing!) values and priorities.